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InLife Legal Forms - College Care Package

Starting College this Fall? 

Students Must Get Important Legal Affairs in Order 

InLife Legal Forms - College Care Package


Contact: Mark Schnitzler, Esq.

(203) 692-4600


Congratulations on your graduation from high school and on beginning the next chapter of your life: freshman year of college, gap year, or joining the workforce. These are all exciting rites of passage as you become a young adult.

With your new status as a legal adult, your parents are not legally responsible for you in the same ways they once were. This means they may be excluded from many important elements of your life—including medical and financial decisions—even if they continue to support you financially. 

Under the law, your parents no longer have the legal right to help make medical decisions on your behalf, even in a medical emergency when you cannot advocate for yourself.  Unfortunately, this is the case even if you want and absolutely depend on your parents’ guidance and care as you navigate through the next few years as a young adult. The notion of “going it alone” is particularly scary for young adults with pre-existing or underlying medical conditions, such as ADHD, diabetes and seizures.

But there is something you can do to protect your parents’ rights to help you: Contact Mark J. Schnitzler, Esq to prepare and execute the InLife College Care Package. This simple set of paperwork will, in case of an emergency, appoint your parent or parent(s) as your health care representative. This means your parents can make medical decisions for you in case—and ONLY in case—you can’t do so for yourself.  Proper preparation and execution of the InLife College Care Package will allow your parents to support you and remain involved in important life decisions. Give your family the gift of peace of mind so that you can embrace the excitement of this new chapter while knowing your “home team” is ready to help in any emergency situation.  

To schedule your appointment for the InLife College Care Package, call the office at (203) 692-4600 or email us at We are also happy to answer any questions, or you can check our website at

Wishing you and your family a happy and safe summer season!

Mark Schnitzler